Metallurgical Consulting / Special Parts Fabrication
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Metallurgical Consulting / Special Parts Fabrication
Metlab has a staff of degreed metallurgists, with a total of more than 50 years experience in material selection, heat treating, and property determination of ferrous and non ferrous materials. This experience is applied to helping customers with proper material and heat treat selection, to optimize the design/property relationships for a wide variety of customer products, as well as process and plant rationalization. Metlab also offers failure analysis.

Metallurgical Laboratory Metallurgical Laboratory with full complement of metallurgical measuring equipment, including polishing and lapping facility, microscopes and photographic capability, fixed and portable hardness testers, microhardness testers, and access to mechanical testing facilities.
Special Parts Fabrication In addition to heat treating Metlab offers the supply of specialized parts such as transfer guides and rails, machine ways, wear plates, longitudinal races and other custom linear motion tracks.
Metlab capabilities include 3D modeling, production of parts from print or samples, steel selection to best fit the application, complete component manufacture including thermal and surface treatments. OD grinding includes up to 20" diameter by 24 feet O.A.L. and 36" diameter up to 11' O.A.L; Blanchard grinding to 130", and Thomson grinding up to 35" wide x 24" high x 202" long.
